Marvel Universe Live cast 24hr short action film challenge - Agent Evans

Описание к видео Marvel Universe Live cast 24hr short action film challenge - Agent Evans

The hugely talented cast of Marvel Universe Live! Get together for this short action film which was written, choreographed and filmed within 24hrs while on tour in Europe in 2017.

Written & Directed by Kyle Murillo (Spiderman/Electro)
With help from Eric Zimmerman (Thor/Lizard)
& Justin Sysum (Hawkeye)

Staring Justin Sysum, Eric Zimmerman, Pat King (Wolverine) Carlton Hoyles (Falcon), Spencer Davis (Killian), Kyle Murillo, Nathan People (Green Goblin), Dave Mussleman (Loki), Phil Soulides (Thor), Brittany Marcotte (Madam Hydra), Louise Forsley (Black Widdow) & Antonio Valles (Tony Stark)


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