Teaching English in Japan episode 12: Life after Leopalace! It's your next apartment in Japan!

Описание к видео Teaching English in Japan episode 12: Life after Leopalace! It's your next apartment in Japan!

In this video I give a few pointers about things to think about before getting your own place in Japan, especially as far as guarantors are concerned. This is helpful to know not only as an ALT but for anyone moving to Japan for their first time.

After those quick pointers I give a tour of my apartment in Japan. My goal in showing each room is to give a clear idea of what 46 square meters looks like so that you can plan accordingly when you are ready to get a bigger place for yourself. My place is a 3DK and you'll see just how many appliances and furniture you can pack in and see if there is till room to breathe!

Thank you for watching this video! I really hope you will leave comments and questions and I'll be happy to offer any further knowledge that I can!

#JapaneseApartments #LivingInJapan #MovingToJapan #ApartmentsInJapan #ALTchallenges #Leopalace


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