Natalie Portman Black Swan Interview

Описание к видео Natalie Portman Black Swan Interview

Http:// Natalie Portman speaks with Hitfix's Drew McWeeny about her new film "Black Swan" as well as "Your Highness" and other projects.
"With "Black Swan," Natalie Portman had to learn to do something convincingly on camera that people train their whole lives to do, and even with the training she had in childhood, she still ended up pushing herself further than I think she bargained for, training for a full year for the film. We discussed that and many other things when we sat down for this extended interview at the W Hotel in Hollywood a few weekends ago.

In person, Portman is stunning, which is to be expected, but before we rolled the cameras, I was struck by just how funny and sharp she was. I'm excited to see her show up in the positively deranged "Your Highness" next year, and we talk about that a bit too in the interview." -Drew McWeeny


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