The Age of Scientific Wellness

Описание к видео The Age of Scientific Wellness

ISB Co-founder and Professor Dr. Lee Hood and Thorne HealthTech Chief Scientific Officer and (on leave) ISB Professor Dr. Nathan Price discussed their new book, "The Age of Scientific Wellness: Why the Future of Medicine is Personalized, Predictive, Data-Rich and In Your Hands," in a conversation at Town Hall Seattle.

00:25 Jim Heath welcome and introduction of Lee Hood and Nathan Price.
01:05 What is scientific wellness? Lee Hood explains.
05:35 Nathan Price talks about how systems biology is changing our approach and understanding of human health and dealing with complexity and stopping disease before it starts.
07:47 How do we define wellness? What does it mean to be well? In the past, it meant the absence of disease, but that is changing.
11:10 "The people who are entrusted to care for your health are only paid when you're sick." The U.S. healthcare model and infrastructure is reactive, not proactive. Nathan Price talks about how we can change the model.
16:45 Vast amounts of data can be collected for every individual. With an emphasis on wellness, we are starting to use data to move beyond correlations to causation.
22:26 Artificial intelligence will be one of the most powerful forces in bringing data-driven medicine into reality.
28:16 Nathan Price explains his view about how Alzheimer's disease has been misunderstood, and how the digital twin is shedding light on the disease.
38:47 Data, knowledge graphs, digital twins and many other developments are altering our understanding of human health, but they are not yet being used in the clinical setting. How do we go about modernizing and changing the healthcare system?
43:59 Gut health and biological age are two important health measures, and are good places to start for individuals looking to collect data and assess their health.
47:23 With blood draws every six months, it is now possible to discover transitions from wellness to disease years before prior to a clinical diagnosis.
50:00 Cancer patients who live outside of major medical centers face challenges including not being able to enroll in important clinical trials and difficulty finding oncologists practicing the newest lifesaving techniques. Jim Heath describes the push to address these inequities and raise the level of healthcare.
53:26 Environmental exposures such as wildfire smoke are now being studied.
56:18 What will be available to us in five years that isn't available currently?
1:04:20 Understanding your genome and the thousands of actionable possibilities are necessary to understand your health.


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