Writing Math and Chemistry Equations on Anki (4 Methods)

Описание к видео Writing Math and Chemistry Equations on Anki (4 Methods)

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=== Timestamps ===
00:00 - Introduction
00:12 - 1. Copying Images and Taking Screenshots
00:58 - 2. Using Superscript & Subscript
03:24 - 3. Using an Equation Editor
04:13 - 4. Writing Equations Directly
08:33 - 4.1. Writing Chemical Equations
09:35 - Conclusion

=== Links ===
Codecogs Equation Editor: https://latex.codecogs.com/eqneditor/...
Introduction to LaTeX:    • Intro to LaTeX : Learn to write beaut...  
Mathjax Chemistry Cheatsheet: https://mhchem.github.io/MathJax-mhchem/
Mathpix: https://mathpix.com/
Mathpix (Referral Link): https://accounts.mathpix.com/signup?r...


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