Lego Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge (PlayStation) Walkthrough

Описание к видео Lego Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge (PlayStation) Walkthrough

Re-uploaded due to the old one being too dim

This is the much lesser-known console port of Lego Island 2. This is actually the version I originally played when I was little; my computer (then the awful ThinkPad laptop) wasn't able to play the PC version, so as a compensation my parents got me this one. A neighbor of mine had the PC version though, so I was quite well aware that it was vastly superior in pretty much every way. Well, MOST ways anyway, more on that later.
Given that the PC version was released in 2001, it's pretty puzzling that they released this version at all. The PS2 had already been out for nearly a year by the time this one came out, and Lego Racers 2, released only a few months after, got a PS2 port. And, on top of that, given that this game was already extremely time-strained as it stood, and that this version had the same development team as the PC version, this really just amounted to more stress and agony on the development team that they already had plenty of since they effectively had to develop two completely seperate versions of the same game (as far as I'm aware, the GBC and GBA versions were done by a different team). The PS1 is vastly inferior to the hardware the PC version had targeted, so this one is insanely watered down as a result.

It follows the same general structure as the PC version -- on the whole, it has the same plot, the same minigames, the whole shebang. Where it differs, however, is that, immediately noticeable is that the graphics are much weaker, with lower-poly models and lower quality textures. The island is shrunken down and stripped of a lot of detail too, such as the lack of the train and a good number of characters. And, if you're familiar with the PC version, you'll immediately take note of the fact that you only need to serve 9 pizzas instead of 11.

On the whole, this version easily pales in comparison. Even once you get past the whole watered down visuals thing, a lot of the cut scenes also lose important details which can lead to things that just make no sense at all (such as how Mama and Papa aren't restrained yet still beg for help, and how the Brickster's dialog at the end with Pepper is for whatever reason totally missing).'s actually better in a few ways too. First off, the loading times are greatly reduced. They're still way longer than they ought to be, but holy crap, it feels like you don't spend half the game waiting for it to load. Also, this one is significantly less glitchy than the PC version, as I find getting stuck in walls to generally never be an issue. It still has the feel of a rushed game, don't get me wrong, but being on the PS1, it was able to get away with a lot more cut corners.

Start: I spent way too long trying to hop the space port fence at the beginning. Ick. This is all fairly straightforward.

Castle Island: Holy heck, Cedric's cutscene is just downright incoherent in this port. Not to mention the fact that he just sadly walks away instead of being catapulted off. What even.

Adventurers' Island: Hang on...there's...there's no fishing minigame!? There's...this is a joke, right? I must be dreaming...

...nope, it's really not in this version.


Seriously. Easily the worst minigame in the PC version, bar none. I absolutely despise that minigame and everything that goes with it. Good frickin' riddance. Granted, it does leave a bit of a plot hole when Pepper says he "caught a big fish", but I will easily take it over the agony that that stupid minigame has given me over the years.
Either way, the rest of this is...basically what you expect. Bi-Plane plays significantly different in this version, and honestly, I'd call it an improvement.

Ogel Island: The cut scene on Lego Island prior to coming here is a sight to behold. No description can do it justice, it's just...laughable beyond words. Either way, both parachute minigames got the axe on this version as well. That's a bit of a sadder loss, given that they were two of the best minigames, but eh, it is what it is.

After the main game is finished, I went ahead and showed off Pepper's House and the Information Center. Believe it or not, I never knew until recording this that you could look at the screen like you could in the PC version. It doesn't exactly help that there's no indicator that you can.

Enjoy the walkthrough!


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