Three pioneers who predicted climate change | BBC Ideas

Описание к видео Three pioneers who predicted climate change | BBC Ideas

We've known about climate change and the warming impact of CO2 for a very long time... Here are three key figures in the history of climate change science - Eunice Newton Foote, Guy Stewart Callendar and Charles Keeling. Not all of them them got the recognition they deserved at the time.
Animation by Peter Caires. Made in partnership with The Open University.

If you enjoyed this animation, you might like this one too - it follows the incredible story of Severn Cullis-Suzuki who gave a famous speech to the UN about environmental destruction when she was just 12:    • Severn Cullis-Suzuki: The 12-year-old...  

And you can watch our full playlist of videos about climate change, global warming and the environment here:    • CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE ENVIRONMENT  

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