Idris Murphy – Empyrean: scattering of stars

Описание к видео Idris Murphy – Empyrean: scattering of stars

Empyrean: scattering of stars is the intriguing title of the 2019 exhibition of leading Australian landscape artist Idris Murphy. In this sneak preview film, Idris talks with characteristic intelligence and humour about the work to be featured in the show, and gives us some insight into his philosophical and creative approach. The film was shot in April 2019 in Idris's studio in Kurnell in Sydney, just days before the exhibition opening, and Idris is surrounded by his works, some newly painted. The film was shot by Sean O'Brien, who has been collaborating with Idris on films since they first worked together in 2001 for the renowned arts documentary Two Thirds Sky.

Exhibition dates: May 14 – June 8, 2019
King Street Gallery on William
Sydney, Darlinghurst


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