Products We Love : Gamemat.Eu Terrain + Battlemats

Описание к видео Products We Love : Gamemat.Eu Terrain + Battlemats

Welcome to Love & Wargames, the channel dedicated to spreading the love (of wargames) around the world!

00:00 Terrain
04:39 How much does it weight?!
05:44 How to play them in DW
08:06 Battlemats
10:47 Website browing (what do they have?)

Are you in desperate need for good Dystopian Wars terrain (that you might as well use for Conquest, Armored Clash and more)? Then let me introduce you to ! They do great battlemats, which we will showcase and talk about here, but the main news are the terrain. They are brilliant, and seem purpose-made for Dystopian Wars.

We even have a discount code to share with you : "Event24" will bring you -10% on all their products! Our channel won't get anything back from it, but I really wanted to share this with you guys because I honestly believe these are the best terrain you can get for Dystopian Wars, and it'll considerably improve your gaming experience.

That's really it - just sharing a product we love here at L&W! If you know/love Gamemat.Eu too, share with us in comments, and if this finally solves your need for massive pre-painted high-quality terrain, let us know as well!

Thanks for your support guys, and until the next video, remember to keep spreading the love.


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