"For The Animals" Directed & Produced by Sadhvi Siddhali Shree, & Sadhvi Anubhuti on VOD July 28.#4

Описание к видео "For The Animals" Directed & Produced by Sadhvi Siddhali Shree, & Sadhvi Anubhuti on VOD July 28.#4

Two monks directed and Co-produced this film, Sadvi Siddhali Shree and Sadhvi Anubhuti! There are too many citizens not caring for their pets and the problem has gone unchecked for decades. With catastrophic numbers of stray dogs roaming the streets of Houston TX, twin activists and philanthropists Tena Lundquist Faust and Tama Lundquist lead the charge and take matters into their own hands to save the animals they love. #moviereviewsandmore #fortheanimals #tenalundquist


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