Building Resilient Social Protection Systems through Integrated Policies

Описание к видео Building Resilient Social Protection Systems through Integrated Policies

'Building Resilient Social Protection Systems through Integrated Policies: Lessons from 100 years of social protection'

The ILO recently published second volume of the compendium 100 years of social protection: The road to universal social protection systems and floors. It describes how national social protection systems have evolved over time and how international social security standards and the development of comprehensive national legal frameworks contribute to creating coherent and inclusive social security systems. The 52 case studies included in this volume focus on innovative solutions for overcoming the policy and implementation challenges that policymakers around the world may face. By learning from efforts undertaken in different national contexts, we hope to inspire good practices in shaping national policies in support of the realization of universal social protection.

Some of the case studies describe integrated policy, financing and coordination approaches that are great examples of the Global Accelerator approach. The Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transitions, launched in September 2021 by the UN Secretary-General, is a high impact initiative designed to propel countries towards achieving the SDGs. Its aim is to help create decent jobs, primarily in the green, digital and care economies, and to extend social protection coverage to those currently excluded. The Global Accelerator operates through three complementary and mutually supportive pillars: Integrated and evidence-based national strategies and policies; Integrated financing combining domestic resources and international financial support; and Enhanced multilateral cooperation. All three pillars are reflected in the efforts to extend social protection: Social protection policies are integrated with quality job creation for greater impact, enhanced domestic coordination can increase the efficiency of social protection policies and financing, and international advocacy efforts for social justice can mobilize the catalytic financing needed to kick-start a virtuous cycle: Investments in social protection result in human capital development, productivity, improved working conditions, the formalization of the economy and higher levels of income. This generates higher tax revenues and greater fiscal space for further investment in decent work, social protection and just transitions.

This webinar brings together some of the authors of these case studies to discuss the importance of integrating social protection and job creation policies, integrating social protection financing and coordination in order to have a bigger impact on achieving just transitions to formalization, green economies, and decent work in the care economy, among others. The case studies will provide the basis for a further discussion on the possibilities and opportunities of integrating social protection policies for greater impact. The webinar will also serve as an opportunity to present and discuss the Global Accelerator research agenda.

Helmut Schwarzer, Head of Unit, Public finance, actuarial and statistical services, ILO
Professor Fan Wei, Professor, Capital University of Economics and Business, Capital University of Economics and Business
Cecilia Mbaka, immediate former Secretary for Social Development and Head of the National Social Protection Secretariat, Kenya
Moderator: Valérie Schmitt, Deputy Director Social Protection Department, ILO

100 years of social protection: The road to universal social protection systems and floors - Volume 2:


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