What Does a Drum Riser Do To The Sound of a Drum Kit?

Описание к видео What Does a Drum Riser Do To The Sound of a Drum Kit?

I've recently been making some changes to the area where I record and film, and the removal of my drum riser is just the start. I now have much more room to experiment with mic and kit setup, and the sonic differences I feel will lead to some better recording qualities. The riser allowed all of my drums to resonate together, and I had a very open drum sound. Now that I am miking all my drums separately, I am getting a little more isolation in the toms and a tigher/cleaner sound. I hope everyone enjoys hearing the comparisons and sonic differences in this video, and I look forward to hearing what everyone thinks!

Ludwig Drums
Zildjian Cymbals
Remo Drumheads
DW Pedals
Vic Firth Drum Sticks
Shure In-Ear Monitors


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