Demonstrating loading an APS film into the Canon IXUS Z70

Описание к видео Demonstrating loading an APS film into the Canon IXUS Z70

The Canon IXUS Z70 is one of the highest end Point and Shoot APS film cameras made by the manufacturer. It supports reloading partially exposed APS film rolls. The lower end models from Z65 downwards will only accept completely unexposed rolls of APS films.

This is the APS (Advanced Photo System) format also called Advantix by Kodak.

APS is the last film format for still photography. It is by far the most advanced and does a list of things (thanks to digital data storage) that other films can't.

Amongst the features are the ability to easily swap film rolls halfway, imprinting time/date on the back of photo prints instead of the front, imprinting Titles on the back, pre-selecting the number of copies for shots to be printed, and many more.

Another benefit is that the processed negatives are reeled back into the canister for easy storage.

All this are possible because APS has a magnetic digital data storage tape that runs in parallel with the film itself.

APS / Advantix is also one of the shortest lived format that was discontinued just 15 years after it was introduced, 1996 - 2011.

The biggest drawback is the small film surface area. Digital camera users would know that cheaper DSLR / MILC cameras have APS-C or APS-H sensors while more expensive ones have full-frame 35 mm sensors.

The other issue is the rigidity of this format, frame sizes are fixed, number of shots are fixed etc.

Due to the need for the magnetic strip, it isn't possible for enthusiasts to make their own films at home.


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