नीलो फूल, Blue Flower || Full Movie|| Presented by Sunil Babu Pant

Описание к видео नीलो फूल, Blue Flower || Full Movie|| Presented by Sunil Babu Pant

Blue Flower, based upon true stories, directed by Sunil Babu Pant and Pradhumna Mishra, is about forced marriage under patriarchal Nepali tradition traps many — gay men, lesbians, and others — in unhappy lives: the practice under which most young people are expected to enter into unions arranged by their parents. In “Blue Flower {Striving for the Impossible},” Tilak — played by actor Sagar Ghimire, who compellingly conveys his character’s stoic desperation — is a young gay man from a rural family engaged in subsistence farming. As the 39-minute short opens, Tilak is being rebuked by his parents because he has twice run away rather than follow through on the marriage they arranged. When his mother suggests a third escape might lead her to take her life in shame, Tilak at last agrees to the marriage.

The couple’s union is predictably an unhappy one, with Tilak choosing to sleep on the floor rather than share a bed with his bride. When the couple produce no child, they are subjected to harping from Tilak’s family and rumors among their neighbors. Tilak’s manhood is called into question, but the deeper shame settles on his wife, who, the film makes clear, is judged to bear the greater responsibility for ensuring that a male heir is born. In a country where divorce is largely out of the question, both Tilak and his wife seem sentenced to lives shrouded in disgrace.

When Tilak gets the opportunity to leave his village for the city, he is able to escape the everyday pain of his life — and even to find love. However, the “middle path” he wins — which also allows his wife to bear a child to satisfy his family and community — is at best a compromise, and viewers are left uncertain as to how much pain and social pressure Tilak and his wife continue to endure..........................


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