Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort: Custom CPU Mii - Rossy

Описание к видео Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort: Custom CPU Mii - Rossy

Rossy is a Custom CPU Mii from Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, and Wii Party.

Tennis (0:00): In Tennis, Rossy does fairly well, with a skill level of 610 to 640. He mostly plays with Taz, his teammate in the video.

Baseball (2:48): In Baseball, he is pretty average with his skill level of 415 to 647.

Boxing (9:50): In Boxing, he is usually Pro. He's one of the best players with his skill level around 965 to 1168.

Swordplay (11:51): Rossy is very good at Swordplay with a skill of 831 to 835.

Basketball (13:29): In Basketball, he is also very good with his skill at 899 to 903.

Table Tennis (19:23): In Table Tennis, he is average, with a skill level of 525 to 529.

Cycling (23:29): He is a Pro at Cycling, coming in 30th out of 98.

Overall, Rossy is one of the best miis to be really good in every sport.

FUN FACT(S): Rossy's nationality is Spanish. In Wii Party, Rossy is in Master Difficulty. He is one of the few CPU Miis to use the underhand throw in Baseball.


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