The Secret to Feeling 100% Worthy, Whole, and Complete (that will change your life)

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this video I'm going to be sharing with you the secret to feeling 100% worthy, whole and complete. By the end of this video, you'll know what that is and you'll also have a practical tool for applying that in your life in a powerful way. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video I'm going to be sharing with you that of understanding how to feel 100% worthy, whole and complete and understanding how this is also the missing key to you experiencing what you want in your life because you always get in life a reflection of that which you believe you deserve and if you believe that you deserve a relationship that is abusive, if you believe that you deserve to only make a certain amount of money per year, it's a very limited amount because of what you made in the past.

If you believe that you're not worthy of looking a certain way because of how you think or how you feel, then you will experience a reality. Continuously have that belief and have that perspective. And when it comes to this understand as well that people can feel how you feel about yourself. So when you go out into the world and people are responding to you, they respond to you based upon the energy you are putting off. If you are someone that everyone loves, then you most likely love yourself. If you are somebody that feels like rejected, you may be rejecting yourself. Whatever you feel about yourself, other people feel from you when they reflect that back to you. So the key to feeling 100% worthy, whole and complete has to do with being everything being brought back to you. And in a way you must take responsibility for the things that had happened to you and understand as well that I understand that many people have been through a lot of hard things growing up.

She might be probably, you've heard me talk many times about my past of having an abusive, physically abusive, emotionally abusive, mentally abusive, ex step mom between the ages of seven to 15 years old, right? Almost no power whatsoever. So I get it. I'm not saying this as somebody that was just like baby does a kid and had everything given to me. I say this because I've been through pain. See that? I know there's worse out there. However, what I am saying is that the way you take responsibility for things that have happened in your life is by understanding that the one thing you always have the ability to do is to choose how you respond to what happens in your life. You may not always control what happens, but you always can choose how you respond. Now, I look at some of the people in my life who have been through similar things as me and there's very different timelines.

There's very different lives that we lead because of the way we responded to what happened for many years. I suppress even after 15 years old came around and my dad divorced my ex step mom, I had all this freedom. All of a sudden I was able to have friends that get, you know how I was able to have friends, is able to do stuff like watch TV or eat food and not female new at nourish. I was able to eat food without getting in trouble and even after it being able to do that for five to six years, I felt a lot of resistance and guilt and anger towards my ex step mom and I suppressed it, but eventually it, that pressure caused me to go through a spiritual awakening and what happened was is I saw that everything in life wasn't happening to me. It was happening for me. That's the key. That's the thing that makes the difference is the taking back of your power and understanding that it can either feel you or it can tear you down,

but it's completely up to you. Feeling 100% worthy, wholly complete is about giving a new meaning to your past. Why did it happen? It happened because you were strong and you could go through whatever you did. A lot of our sense of worthiness has to do with a sense of...

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