Working with Anxiety - Inside Out | by Anahita Sanjana | AuroYouth Talk 3

Описание к видео Working with Anxiety - Inside Out | by Anahita Sanjana | AuroYouth Talk 3

Talk 3: Working with Anxiety – Inside Out
Interaction with Anahita Sanjana
AuroYouth Facilitator

Date & Time: July 05, 2020 08:00 pm (IST)
Participants: Youth between 14 and 30 years in age

From the International Yoga Day (June 21, 2020), AuroYouth, the youth wing of Sri Aurobindo Society, has launched a series of weekly Interactions under the title ‘From Twilight to Light: The Sunlit Path’.
In this third interaction of the series, Anahita Sanjana, a young dynamic AuroYouth worker and a Counselling Psychologist, takes up the topic ‘Working with Anxiety – Inside Out’. She took up questions from youth like,
 I get anxious many times, what do I do when it hits me?
 What role do thoughts play in generating anxiety?
 Is it possible to live without any anxiety at all? How?

AUROYOUTH, the youth wing of Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry, is a launching platform for enabling the youth to look deep within and prepare for the new dawns of future—an adventure into the realms of consciousness …

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We are on Facebook too:   / auroyouth  


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