Money loves me 💵

Описание к видео Money loves me 💵

- I am a money magnet
- money flows easily, effortlessly, infinitely in my life
- Everytime I breathe, blink, sleep, eat, detach, think bout money, I GET MONEY
- Everytime I spend money, I get them back multiplied
- money loves me, follows me everywhere I go
- everywhere I look, money is there
- I never run out of money, it’s infinite flow
- I am living rich lifestyle and everyone knows it
- I am lucky when it comes to money
- I vibrate in the same frequency of attracting money
- I don’t chase, I attract
- whatever belongs to me will come to me
- I am worthy of being rich, earning a lot of money and gaining financial success

Pair this up with booster for faster results

   • pink boost 🥤  


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