Integral Plays Video Games: Red (Heroic)

Описание к видео Integral Plays Video Games: Red (Heroic)

Corey and Ryan take a look at the major stages of human development, using a series of 33 video games in order to illustrate the qualities and characteristics of each stage.

All of this allows you to not only observe these stages within you, but to actively inhabit, engage, and play with them as well.

In these clips we take a look at three primary characteristics for each game — the game’s content (what actually appears on the screen), the game’s theme (the perspective the story is being told from), and the actual gameplay mechanics themselves — each of which can come from a different developmental stage, as you will see in this series of videos.

You can find a full presentation of game clips, as well as film clips from each stage, here:

In this clip we are looking at the Red stage.

The Red Altitude began about 10,000 years ago, and is the marker of egocentric drives based on power, where “might makes right,” where aggression rules, and where there is a limited capacity to take the role of an “other.” Red impulses are classically seen in grade school and early high school, where bullying, teasing, and the like are the norm. Red motivations can be seen culturally in Ultimate Fighting contests, which have no fixed rules (fixed rules come into being at the next Altitude, Amber), teenage rebellion and the movies that cater to it (The Fast and the Furious), gang dynamics (where the stronger rule the weaker), and the like.

First-person shooters are often associated with the Red stage, where the primary goal is to dominate anything and everything on the screen. Watch as Ryan and Corey look at several examples of Red video games, including Fortnite, Wolfenstein, the Grand Theft Auto series, Assassin's Creed, and the game that kicked off the genre, Doom.

Excerpted from Inhabit: Your Game
   • Learn Integral by Playing Video Games!  

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