Описание к видео B.A.P ANSWERING YOUR QUESTIONS (3k Q&A)

after a gazillion years it is finally here.
alternatively titled 'bap suffering for over 6 minutes'

but seriously thanks for 3k! it's over 4k now and im??? ahh?? thanks for liking my shit guys. if you want anything for 4k let me know!

there were SO MANY questions and so many good ones so i had to cut out alot but as a special thanks i uploaded a longer 9 minute version vid here. so if for some unknown reason you have a desire to watch even more of this trash it's posted here: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5rzcq

(and if your question didn't get answered please don't feel sad!! all the questions i got were great, i just probably couldn't think of a funny response or there was a similar one or etc.)

i kinda wanna make this a recurring series? not necessarily them answering questions but like giving you guys advice (like hxppyeol's 'ask exo' or upgaytion's 'ask twice') and etc. so let me know if that's a crack series you'd want.

LAST LASTLY im going to the tokyo bap live event on the 30th so if you're going and wanna meet up let me know!! I'd love to meet some ppl (I'm also going by myself im lonely come talk to me)

and that is all for now peace have a gr8 day.


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