🔴🟡🟢 ኮሚዲያን እሸቱ መለሰ እናመሰግናለን || YouTube Graduation Ceremony

Описание к видео 🔴🟡🟢 ኮሚዲያን እሸቱ መለሰ እናመሰግናለን || YouTube Graduation Ceremony

ኮሚዲያን እሸቱ መለሰ "ሚዲያ ለአዎንታዊ ለውጥ" በሚል መሪ ቃል ተነስቶ የሀገራችንን ወጣቶች ዩቲዩብን እንዴት በትክክለኛው መንገድ ተጠቅመው እራሳቸውን ብሎም ሀገራቸውን መለወጥ እንደሚችሉ ለ4ኛ ዙር አሰልጥኖ ብቁ ዩትዩበሮችን አስመርቋል። ስልጠናውም ወጌሻ በመባል የሚጠራ ሲሆን በዚህ ስልጠና ውስጥ ስለዩቲዩብ አጠቃቀም ብቻ ሳይሆን የህይወት ክህሎት ስልጠና በአሰልጣኝ ፍጹም ፍስሃ የሚሰጥ በመሆኑ ለእኛ ለወጣቶች እጅግ ጠቃሚ ነበር።
"ኮሚዲያን እሸቱ እና አሰልጣኝ ፍጹም ፍስሃ አፍርሳችሁ ስለሰራችሁን እናመሰግናለን"
Comedian Eshetu Melese with the motto "Media for positive change" and trained the youth of our country on how to use YouTube in the right way to change themselves and their country for the 4th round and graduated qualified YouTubers. The training is called Wegesha, and in this training, not only about the use of YouTube, but life skills training is given by a trainer Ftsum Fsha, so it was very useful for us young people.
"Comedian Eshetu and coach Ftsum Fsha, thank you for doing a complete mess."
#comedianeshetumelese #youtube #training #wegesha #abelbirhanu #mahtot_tube #manyazewaleshetu #eotc #ebstv #seifuonebs #abrelohd #donkeytubeacademy #abugida_media #quanquayenesh

Background music: from cupcut 1.emotional joyful upbeat 2. lexury place 3.soft ambinet minimal


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