PORTUGAL ONE-OFF - The amazing 1937 APM. Exaust sound and period photos.

Описание к видео PORTUGAL ONE-OFF - The amazing 1937 APM. Exaust sound and period photos.

The APM was born in a small workshop in Porto, by the hands of Libório Machado, who would use the chassis of a 1937 Fiat Balilla Sport and a engine of a Fiat 1100B. Manufactured by hand, the body in sheet metal and aluminum took around a year and a half to complete. Parts from various brands were also used, both inside and outside, for example the rear lights are from a Studebaker. Libório Machado named it after his partner António Pereira Machado. It won its category in the Porto-Lisbon rally in 1955. After that, it had three more owners. Its current owner, Luís Simões, found it in a scrap yard. The lengthy restoration process took around seven years. Reappearing in 2018 at the Motorclássico fair in Lisbon.


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