Lunchbox Lecture: "Siren of the Resistance: the Artistry and Espionage of Josephine Baker"

Описание к видео Lunchbox Lecture: "Siren of the Resistance: the Artistry and Espionage of Josephine Baker"

Iconic entertainer of the Jazz Age Josephine Baker responded to the start of World War II by becoming a spy for the French Resistance. Traveling to regions occupied by the enemy, Baker used her celebrity to gain access to high-ranking Axis officials, passing on intelligence in support of the Free French effort led by Charles de Gaulle. The American-expat-turned-French-citizen remained an active supporter of the French Resistance throughout the war, earning the Croix de Guerre and Rosette de la Résistance from General de Gaulle at the war’s end.

In this lecture, hear Historian Dr. Kristen D. Burton, Lecturer of US History at The University of Alberta, delve into the life, artistry, and espionage of a true icon of the generation. A vocal supporter of civil rights and the fight against fascism, Josephine Baker became one of the unsung heroes of the war effort, operating secretly behind enemy lines, hidden behind the guise of her female celebrity.


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