Introduction - Learn the 12 Bar Blues

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This course will introduce you to the 12 Bar Blues. Upon completion you'll understand the basic structure of the 12 Bar Blues, chord placements and changes in the 12 Bar Blues pattern, and you'll be able to play along with other musicians in a simple blues jam.

This course is geared towards beginners, and therefore focuses on the rythm guitar compenents of the 12 Bar Blues. More advanced topics, such as soloing and decorative licks, will be covered in successive courses.

What is the 12 Bar Blues?

The 12-bar blues is a musical structure commonly used in blues music and has influenced many other genres like rock, jazz, and pop. It is named for its 12-measure (or 12-bar) length, which is repeated throughout the song. This format provides a framework for melodies, improvisations, and lyrics.

In the resources section below you can find a blog that outlines some examples of the 12 Bar Blues. Give a listen to the songs listed in that blog and see if you are able to identify the shared pattern between the songs.


Before diving in it is worth mentioning that although this course is aimed at beginners, there are still some prerequisites. Specifically, you will need knowledge of the following:

Notes on the fretboard
You will need to be fairly familiar with the fretboard and where notes can be played. For example, if someone were to ask you to point out 3 places on the fretboard where the A note can be played, would you be able to do it?

How to read chord charts
Throughout the course you'll come across many different chord charts. It is expected that you understand how to read these.

How to read tabs
Just as with chord charts, this course will have some tabliture which we expect your understand.

Basic music terminology
As you read through the lessons you will come across terms like bar, riff, beat, eigth/quarter/half/whole note, etc. For each of these terms, and others like them, we won't always provide a definition for them, as it is expected that you are already familiar.

See you in the next lessons!


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