[CV-8 | Snakes Only] HES-Y is Good Too!

Описание к видео [CV-8 | Snakes Only] HES-Y is Good Too!

CV-8: 5 Phidia Operators

This was genuinely fun! It really felt like a puzzle, quite satisfying.

Huge thanks to this other Phidiaknights player whose Eunectes I borrowed. My own could not kill Cliff's second phase, which maybe was a level and potential difference. Either way, HES-X was not working out, so even though it's a boring stat stick module, HES-Y was exactly what I needed.

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Lv. 50 Pot5 Melanite S2M3 ARC-Y3
Lv. 40 Pot6 Indigo S2M3 MSC-X3
Lv. 50 Pot6 Shalem S1M3
Lv. 50 Pot5 Corroserum S2M1 BLA-X3

Lv. 90 Pot5 Eunectes S3M3 HES-Y3

#arknights #アークナイツ #明日方舟


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