Powerful Mantra for fatal destruction of enemies and winning court cases का मंत्र October 30, 2020

Описание к видео Powerful Mantra for fatal destruction of enemies and winning court cases का मंत्र October 30, 2020

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Mantra :
ॐ ह्रीं बगलामुखी
सर्वदुष्टानां वाचं
मुखम पदम् स्तम्भया
जिव्हां कीलयं
बुद्धिम विनाशयं
ह्रीं ॐ स्वाहा:

Goddess Baglamukhi is one of the most powerful manifestations of the Universal Mother. Due to the infinite powers of this incarnation, Baglamukhi is heralded as the protector of good and the destroyer of all evil. Baglamukhi mantra is a highly powerful one. This simple but profound mantra can protect the chanters from all harm and destroy their enemies. A large number of people have benefited from this incredibly powerful mantra.

Overall Translation of Baglamukhi Mantra -
Oh Mother Baglamukhi, I take refuge in you. Let the speech, feet and organs of my enemy is stilled and let his intelligence be disabled so that he does not move further to harm me.

Devi Bagala is the deity of Bagalamukhi Mantra. She is also called 'Valgamukhi'. 'Bagala' or 'Vagla' literally means a 'rope' or a 'bridle' � that is put in the mouth to control the movements of tongue - and 'mukhi' means 'faced'. She is the super power who can destroy all evil powers. Devi Bagalamukhi gives one the power to put a bridle (control) on his enemies. She blesses one with the power of confident and decisive speech. She is also called 'Pitambari Devi' as complexion is golden; she wears yellow clothes and sits on a golden throne. Bagalamukhi Mantra is portrayed as an angry goddess who holds a club in her right hand with which she kills a demon, while pulling his tongue out with her left hand. Bagalamukhi Devi is also known as 'Brahmaastra Roopini' and 'Stambhan Devi'

Baglamukhi Puja is a very meritorious and beneficial Puja which is performed in order to win a court case or lawsuit. Maa Baglamukhi is worshipped for victory, power, protection for cuts, scars, accidents, operations & dominance over enemies. Conducting Baglamukhi Puja Mantra Japa & Yagna is beneficial to achieve success in law-suits and competitions as well as pacify quarrels to the advantage of the worshipper. Worshipping Mata Baglamukhi is also effective in warding off evil persons, Yakshani & spirits. She is the power or Shakti of cruelty.

Goddess Baglamukhi is described as the Devi wearing yellow clothes and gems, the moon as her diadem, wearing Champaka blossoms, with three eyes, with one hand holding the tongue of an enemy and other hand spiking him. Seated on the right of Mata Bagala is the Maharudra, with one face, who dissolves the universe. The word Bagalamukhi means The Crane-Headed One. She rules magic for the suppression of the gossips of enemies & evils and also rules deceit which is at the heart of the most speech. She is also considered as a terrible or Bhairavi form of Matrika Devi who is the mother of all speech. She descended on a Chaturdashi Tuesday and saved the creation and gods by calming down the storm in no time.

Once a demon called Madan performed great penance and got the boon that whatever he said would come true. Though this was a wonderful boon, he misused it for troubling the innocent and the pious ones. All the humans and the gods prayed to Goddess Baglamukhi who pulled out the tongue of the demon to still it. When Baglamukhi was about to kill the demon, he prayed that he too attained an exalted position. It is for this reason that he is also depicted with the image of Baglamukhi.

Benefits of Chanting Baglamukhi Mantra -
Baglamukhi mantra comes to the rescue of people during all kinds of adversities. Mainly, this mantra can still your enemies and stop their evil plots from working against you. Those who have been done injustice by their enemies, but feel helpless can take refuge in this mantra. A sincere chanting of this mantra by contemplating on Baglamukhi can give instant relief and ultimate protection. While the innocent and the pious people can get protected by this mantra, it is important that this mantra is not used for evil purposes.

One of the most important benefits of this mantra is relief from sorrow and mental afflictions. As you keep chanting this mantra, you will feel the burdens of your heart are greatly relieved and you feel so light, relaxed and confident.

You will feel a surge of positive energy inside your being taking you ahead with your tasks so easily with the blessings of goddess Baglamukhi. This mantra can also remove the obstacles in your path, move the incomplete tasks to completion and reduce your debts. When you have some court cases proceeding, you can chant this mantra and get justice and speedy closure of the case. Students can immensely benefit from chanting this mantra.

Bagalamukhi is one of the ten forms of the wise Devi, symbolizing potent female primeval force. The main temples dedicated to Bagalamukhi or Bagala Devi are located at Kamakhya Temple, Guwahati, Assam and Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.


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