10 times I had to DIY gym equipment

Описание к видео 10 times I had to DIY gym equipment

In this throwback video I show how I DIY'd some machines & equipment
1. jerk blocks
2. hamstring curls
3. loading platform for stones and sandbags
4. back extensions
5. more back extensions
6. deadlift band pegs
7. anchor chain drag
8. husafell stone
9. couch squat

Follow me on IG @untamedstrength

Strongman Template: https://www.barbellmedicine.com/shop/...

FREE Strongman Template:https://www.barbellmedicine.com/free-...

Untamed Strength Apparel: https://untamedstrengthapparel.com/

Untamed Strength Gym: http://www.trainuntamed.com/


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