Measuring the Static Coefficient of Friction - Mini Lab Activity

Описание к видео Measuring the Static Coefficient of Friction - Mini Lab Activity

0:00 Introduction
1:03 Data Table
1:13 Equations for mu
2:25 Data for Experiment
5:02 Force Diagram Incline 2D
5:31 Components Weight/Force of Gravity
6:14 Equilibrium
7:06 Derive tan(theta) = mu

A classic experiment that can be used to determine the static coefficient of friction is reviewed. Measurements to calculate the coefficient are included for an eraser, ruler and a candle, all placed on a wood plank.

The physics for the relationship between the tangent of the angle that the plank makes with the horizontal, along with the coefficient of friction is reviewed after the experiment is completed.

An extension question includes
"What causes the variability in the recorded heights (distance y)?"

This experiment is usually done in a first year or second year physics class in high school (secondary school), or a grade 11 physics or grade 12 physics class, when discussing forces, friction and the coefficient of friction.

This video is also ideal for students in an IB physics SL HL program or AP physics program that are studying at home.


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