Better Save Soil (ENGLISH)

Описание к видео Better Save Soil (ENGLISH)

Fertile soil forms the foundation of our modern societies. Although we should be doing everything we can to sustain it, when we look around us, we see a very different story. Both political initiatives and local actions are necessary to secure the access to food and livelihoods for everyone. Measures for sustainable agriculture are already at hand, but they are often not applied – both on a small and large scale. And even if most of us live in cities, we all can do our part in saving soils all over the world.

"Better Save Soil" was produced in 2015 through the collaboration the Global Soil Week and the animation studio of Uli Streckenbach to raise awareness on soil issues.

Production: uhsless
Direction, Design, Animation: Uli Streckenbach, Ronny Schmidt, Robert Pohle
Music, Sounddesign: klingklangklong
Additional Effects: Dominik Grejc
Spider-Robot-Rigging: Sebastian Werner
Voice-Over: Annette Yashpon


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