"Kadaro Girl" ("كدراوية") by an-Noor al-Jeylaani | English Translation

Описание к видео "Kadaro Girl" ("كدراوية") by an-Noor al-Jeylaani | English Translation

“Kadaro Girl” (“كدراوية”) is a song written, composed, and performed by an-Noor al-Jeylaani, and is the last song on his “Thoughts of an Elephant” (“خواطر فيل”) album. Al-Kadaro is a district/city in Bahri (Khartoum North), near Abu Haleema, the suburb where al-Jeylaani was born and grew up. It is rumored that this song was written for a girl from al-Kadaro who committed suicide after her father refused to allow her to marry an-Noor al-Jeylaani.

1:51 - Literally "I complain to you about the worst/most bitter things."
2:25 - Literally "God help my loyal soul."

فكري مشغول بي صبية شايلة النوم من عينيا
fikri mashghool bey sabeeya wa shaayla an-nom min ‘eyneya
My mind’s obsessing over this young woman who’s making me lose sleep
والقمر سافر عليا نزل سأل مين دي هيا
wal-gamar saafar ’aleya nizil sa’al meyn di heeya
The moon came down and asked me who she is
والزهر ادى التحية والفراش حام حوليا
waz-zahr adat-taheeya wal-faraash haam hawalaya
The flower greeted me, the butterfly flew around me
جناحو صفق
jinaahu saffag
Its wings clapped:
“Kadaro girl...Kadaro girl…”
ما حرام منك اذية ما حرام انت الاذية
ma haraam minnak azeeya ma haraam inta al-azeeya
Isn’t it wrong of you to hurt me? Isn’t it wrong for you to be the one who hurts me...
وانت اقرب زول اليا
wa inta agrab zol ilaya
When you’re the closest person to me?
بشكي ليك مر الشكيا
bashki leyk mur ash-shakeeya
You’re the person I confide in the most*
والقليب نيرانو حية
wal-gileyb neyraanu heyya
And my heart’s fires are still burning
والعيون دايما ملية
wal-’uyoon dayman maleeya
My eyes are always full [of tears]
والمنام فارق عينا
wal-manaam faarag ‘eyneya
And sleep has left my eyes
الله لي روحي الوفية
alla ley roohi al-wafeeyya
God help my loyal heart*
شايلة ريدك والاسية
shaayla reydak wal-aseeyya
It carries both love for you and the bitterness thereof
ما بتحن مرة وترضيها
ma bithin marra wa tardeeya
You never show mercy and satisfy us
قايلة ايه الدنيا فيها
gaayla ey ad-dunya feeya
What do you think there is in life?
الدنيا رايحة فايتة رايحه لا دايمة ليك ولا دايمة ليا
ad-dunya raayha faayta raayha la dayma leyk wala dayma leya
Life is fleeting, it’s not permanent, not for me nor for you
يا طيور الريد يا قمرية
ya tuyoor ar-reyd ya gimreeya
Oh beautiful bird of love
وصفوك دايما وفية
wasafok dayman wafeeya
They describe you as always loyal
طيري شيلي معاك وصية
teyri sheelli ma’aak waseeyya
Fly, take this message with you
وادي للكدر التحية
wa adi lil-kadar at-taheeyya
Say hello to al-Kadaro
تلقي زول ناير المحية
talga zol naayir al-maheeya
You’ll find someone with a bright face
والبسيم برق العشية
wal-baseem birg al-asheeya
With a smile like lightning in the night
والعيون وهج الهدية
wal-’uyoon wahj al-hadeeyya
With eyes like a gift made of light
والخدود كيف بلورية
wal-khudood keyf balwareeya
And how clear are those cheeks....
قولي ليهو بحنية
gooli leyu bey hineeyya
Tell them compassionately:
الصدود صعبان عليا
as-sudood sa’baan aleya
“This separation is too hard for me
تهون عليك الروح ضحية
tahawn ‘aleyk ar-rooh daheeya
Are you willing to see me sacrifice myself?
انت يا طيب الاقاح
inti ya teyb al-aqaah
Oh, fragrant one
انت يا زهرة الاقاحي
inti ya zahra al-aqaahi
Oh, chrysanthemum
في المساياك والصباح
fil-misaayaak was-sabaah
In the evening and the morning
روحي راحتي ورواحي
roohi raahati wa rawaahi
My soul, my comfort, my consolation
انا نايم وانا صاحي
ana naym wa ana saahi
I’m both asleep and awake
ما بتحس يوم بجراحي
ma bithis yom bey jaraahi
You never feel my pain
ما بتقول اه من نواحي
wala bitgool ah min nawaahi
Nor do you ever think “I’ve cried enough”
يا العاملة هجرك ليكيا ليا
yal-’aamla hijrik leykeya leya
You act like your leaving me was for both of us
ليا كي لي شنو كي
leyya key ley shnu key
But it hurts me, why do you hurt me?”


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