Make Portable Cooling Fans -12 volts on USB - Altoids Tin Project

Описание к видео Make Portable Cooling Fans -12 volts on USB - Altoids Tin Project

Make a compact, portable, personal fan that really a great way! This 12 volt fan works on a 5 volt USB power source. Using an Altoids tin as the fan body we make a compact project that is protected in its own cool shell (Altoids humor... cool shell?!). I throw this in my computer bag and take it with me for a cool breeze anywhere. You can plug it into a monitor, a laptop, a USB wall wart, a power pack / power cell, desktop computer and pretty much anywhere there is a USB receptacle.

Main parts of this build:
Altoids tin (recycled / repurposed)
Small computer fan - kind you find inside a laptop (salvaged)
USB flashdrive (salvaged)
Small push button switch - on/off type
Braided wire for connections
Step up converter - described below (purchased from Amazon)
Gorilla / duct tape
Double sided mounting tape
Optional: wire screen to cover hole near fan

In this video I used adjustable step-up converter that I bought from Amazon for less than $2 each (pack of 5). The specific item and source was from Gowoops: 5 pieces of Boost Converter Module XL6009, 3 - 30 volts to 4 - 35 volts DC - DC. This is how I turned 5 volts from USB into 12 working volts to run a PC fan! Just remember that the power values going in essentially equal the power values coming out of the converter. This means that we trade off some current to get the extra volts.

WARNING: working on electronics carries certain risks. If you work with any electronics, then you are doing so at your own risk. Cutting and reusing cables and components runs the risk of shorting power sources as well as components. Please do your own research to ensure that you are fully informed and comfortable with what you are doing. Choose the safety techniques that work best for you. This project requires cutting tin and working with sharp objects. Safety precautions are a necessity!



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