March 7, 2013 Rescue 001 Illinois Horse Rescue of Will County

Описание к видео March 7, 2013 Rescue 001 Illinois Horse Rescue of Will County

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~The Rescue of 3 horses roaming the streets in the cold. The Little one is Shaggy, then you have Patches and Angel (the leader of the group) she got her name because she has the markings of what looks like a Halo under her forelock. These horses have a strong will to live!!!! The 3 horses were tied up around their necks (TIGHTLY) with phone wiring and underground heavy duty coated electrical wire (romex). You will be able to see in the video and pictures where it was busted off from them escaping the abuse they had been subjected to along with the neglect of not being fed. They had been wandering the streets through the recent snow storms we have had. Luckily we received a tip that they were still alive. Illinois Horse Rescue set out driving up and down the streets where they were last seen. We found them!!!! Suffering from injuries, searching for food, thirsting for water at a time when everything is frozen. We found them (thank God), rescued them and brought them to safety.
Illinois Horse Rescue of Will County needs your help. If you support our heartfelt passion for getting these horses and other animals to safety, you can show your support by making a donation, set up a monthly contribution, share this information on twitter, Facebook, etc. Concerned citizens (which are many) have informed us that animals are being shot such as cattle, horses and dogs. They are being starved and left for dead! There are NUMEROUS cases that we are responding to not to mention our normal case load. This is yet another crisis added to our plate and we are functioning with limited funds and resources, but we assure you ILLINOIS HORSE RESCUE OF WILL COUNTY WILL CONTINUE to respond and rescue these animals. We need to spread awareness to as many people as possible who have no idea this is going on. We are a 501 (c) 3 not for profit organization. We do not receive any state or government funding AT ALL. Our organization is run SOLELY on the kind and generous donations from people who care about the animals we save.

Angel was 150 pounds underweight and after a further exam we found a nail imbedded in her hoof. She took the longest to recover and got adopted in June 2013.
Patches was around 75 pounds underweight. He was the first to get adopted the end of March 2013.
Shaggy was 50 pounds underweight and had bad cuts on his nose and legs. He recovered quickly once he was being taken care of and got adopted with his 2 goat friends in April 2013.
Thank you everyone for your concerns for them. We have rescued over 800 animals since we opened in 2011 and we are still going strong! Please think about donating today to help us continue saving many more!


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