Back to basics with SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP) - part 1

Описание к видео Back to basics with SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP) - part 1

Let's kick off our series of live streams in 2024 with something that's been much requested - a back to basics series on CAP with Node.js!

See for all resource links.

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- [03:40](   • Back to basics with SAP Cloud Applica...  ) 🎉 Introduction to the live stream in 2024
- DJ Adams welcomes viewers to the first live stream of 2024.
- He acknowledges the audience and talks about his recent flu.
- DJ Adams introduces his new location, a narrow boat, and shows the setup.

- [07:54](   • Back to basics with SAP Cloud Applica...  ) 📺 Overview of the series and setup for local development
- DJ Adams discusses the new series focusing on SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP).
- He explains the goal of going back to basics and helping viewers understand CAP.
- DJ Adams outlines the minimal requirements for following along, which are VS Code and a container engine.

- [27:35](   • Back to basics with SAP Cloud Applica...  ) 🤖 Difference between a service and an app in CAP:
- Understanding the distinction between services and apps in CAP.

- [28:06](   • Back to basics with SAP Cloud Applica...  ) 🛡️ Installing necessary development tools for CAP:
- Installing curl, git, and SQL light 3, essential tools for CAP development.

- [28:52](   • Back to basics with SAP Cloud Applica...  ) 💼 Introduction to npm and SAP npm packages:
- Explaining npm as a package manager for Node.js and SAP npm packages for CAP development.

- [29:34](   • Back to basics with SAP Cloud Applica...  ) 🚀 Difference between SAP CDs and SAP CDs DK:
- Distinguishing between SAP CDs (runtime) and SAP CDs DK (development kit) for CAP development.

- [30:14](   • Back to basics with SAP Cloud Applica...  ) 🌐 Overview of CAP development hierarchy:

- Exploring the hierarchy of CAP development folders: app, serve, and DB.

- [31:10](   • Back to basics with SAP Cloud Applica...  ) 📦 SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP) packages:
- Understanding the purpose of SAP CAP packages for runtime and development.

- [32:08](   • Back to basics with SAP Cloud Applica...  ) 🔄 The role of npm packages in CAP development:
- Highlighting the significance of npm packages for CAP development.

- [33:41](   • Back to basics with SAP Cloud Applica...  ) 🔌 Exposing Port 404 for CAP development:
- Explaining the importance of exposing Port 404 for accessing CAP applications locally.

- [47:29](   • Back to basics with SAP Cloud Applica...  ) 🧰 Setting up CAP development environment in VS Code:
- Demonstrating how to set up a CAP development environment using VS Code and Dev Containers.

- [49:25](   • Back to basics with SAP Cloud Applica...  ) 🚀 Installing development tools in the container:
- Highlighting the installation of essential development tools inside the Dev Container for CAP development.

- [50:36](   • Back to basics with SAP Cloud Applica...  ) 🛠️ Setting up a development environment in a container.
- Docker container setup with CAP and Node.js.
- Exploring packages installed in the container.
- Introduction to CD SDK.

- [52:12](   • Back to basics with SAP Cloud Applica...  ) 🧙‍♂️ The power of CAP with the CDs command line tool.
- Explanation of using the CDs command line tool.
- CAP development capabilities at your fingertips.
- The benefits of a consistent development environment in a container.

- [54:53](   • Back to basics with SAP Cloud Applica...  ) 📚 Back to basics with CAP - Multi-episode series.
- Announcing a multi-episode series on CAP.
- Exploring the basics of CAP together.
- Encouraging viewer participation in learning CAP.


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