Why Typing is Close to Everything - The Volcarona Theorem

Описание к видео Why Typing is Close to Everything - The Volcarona Theorem

Who would have thought typing is important?

PATREON!   / falseswipegaming  

The Official False Swipe Gaming Twitter:   / falseswipeg  

0:00 - Intro
1:35 - Volcarona and other Stealth Rock Weak Pokemon
4:57 - The Ice Type
6:03 - Normal & Poison Type
8:19 - How Typing Can Be Generational
10:47 - Steel Typing
12:11 - Honorable Mentions
12:52 - The Amazing Type Combination
13:53 - Outro

Directed by Kellen   / kellen_fsg  

Follow Me On Twitch!:   / kellen_fsg  

Written By Kevin aka BKC His Channel:

/ @bkcisthrash
This Bread Needs More Jam:

/ @thisbreadneedsmo...

Edited By Connor Nguyen aka CDK
Follow Him:   / cdk_1989  

  / dustythesnowman  
IG:   / dustythesnowman  

VFX Intro By Ryan Gonzales

Songs Used (List of ALL Songs used for this series. Some may or may not make it into the video):


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