God Attack Collections-Conan Exiles| Satisfying God Attacks Moments | Summoning All Gods Avatars-PVP

Описание к видео God Attack Collections-Conan Exiles| Satisfying God Attacks Moments | Summoning All Gods Avatars-PVP

God Attacks is End game for conan players and feels good to see or use it for most of the players.
so in this video I made All God Attack Collections in conan exiles and raid different base locations to also make this video helpful for new players to see what kind of god they need for each base.
so I hope you like this Satisfying God Attacks Moments collection video.
Notes :
[ On servers it will be announced if an Avatar is being summoned.]
[ It takes a lot of work, favor, and resources to summon an avatar.]
[When summoning or controlling the avatar, the player is vulnerable to enemy attacks and can easily be spotted, as a pillar of light appears around you. If killed, the avatar disappears. Be careful and have your friends and thralls close by for protection.]
[ Avatars are very big and slow. Because of that, bases are encouraged to be large and spread out.
The player can only control the avatar for a very short time, so they will be limited in how much they can destroy. It helps to be prepared and choose your summoning spot wisely and as close to the enemy as you dare.]
[ Avatars may be damaged. Each attack against an avatar will remove some time from the summoning timer until the avatar finally disappears. The amount of time removed depends on the amount of damage done.]

True Name of Mitra:
Mitra is the chief god of the Hyborians, a stern yet benevolent god who requires no living sacrifices. Mitra worshippers are expected to lead a virtuous life by following the principles of truthfulness, honor, and trustworthiness, while abstaining from sorcery or mind-altering substances. Players who chose Mitra wish to represent truth and virtue in the world, while crushing those who dare to worship other gods. Mitra worshippers summon a giant statue as their Avatar.

True Name of Set:
Set, the old serpent, is the god of the Stygians. Set worship originated with the serpent-people who were driven from the world by King Kull of Valusia, but he rose once again among the ancient races of the south. Players who wish to partake in the ritual sacrifice of hearts, to learn the secrets of snakes and summon a giant serpent as their Avatar should choose Set. Set is the arch-enemy of Mitra.

True Name of Yog:
Yog, also known as the Lord of Empty Abodes, is a beastly god worshipped primarily by the cannibal tribes of Darfar. Yog offers strength in battle and victory over their foes - in return the devotees of Yog are expected to engage in ritual cannibalism. Yog worshippers can expect to gain strength and vitality by consuming the flesh of human foes and his Avatar takes the form of a blasphemous, flying horror.

True Name of Ymir:
Ymir is the lord of war and storms. Frost Giants are said to be the male children of Ymir, while his singular daughter, Atali, is said to haunt the battlefields of men, luring them to their death in the frozen wastes of the north. According to the Nordheimers, when a warrior falls in battle they go to Valhalla, the great feasting hall of Ymir, to dine and fight forever. When invoked, Ymir takes the form of a Frost Giant wielding an enormous axe and leaving a trail of frost in his wake.

True Name of Derketo:
The dual nature of Derketo encourages her worshippers to walk the knife-blade between lust and death. Her northern cult, worshipped in Shem and Stygia, is worshipped via elaborate orgies that include bestiality and necrophilia. Her southern cult, worshipped in the Black kingdoms, is focused primarily on sacrifice and death. Those who call upon her avatar will see that her dual nature is built into her very form.

True Name of Jhebbal Sag:
Jhebbal Sag is the Lord of the Beasts, as well as the god of animals, nature, and savagery. He rules over all animals and beasts, including men. Worshiping this god will assist in taming animals, making this process a lot easier.

True Name of Zath:
Zath is a type of religion in Conan Exiles. It can be learned in the following ways: selecting it as the main religion during character creation, spending 50 Feat points in the religion section
Unlike other religions, Zath does not have a Feast of Zath item.

Time Stamp:
00:00 Intro
00:52 First Base Using Yog-Jhebbal sag-Ymir
02:25 Sec Base Using Yog-Mitra-Ymir-zath-Jhebbal sag
04:11 3TH Base Using zath-Jhebbal sag
05:13 4TH Base Using Ymir-Derketo-Mitra
06:36 5TH Base Using Ymir-Mitra
07:40 6TH Base Using Zath-Yog
08:44 7TH Base Using Set-Ymir
09:34 Dont Use God In Open You Will Die!
10:00 8TH Base Using Set-Mitra
10:49 9TH Base Using Set-Derketo
11:47 10TH Base Using Jhebbal Sag-Yog

Dragon Castle
LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gBTK...

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