Keynote: Development in the hospital payment system for the National Health Service in England

Описание к видео Keynote: Development in the hospital payment system for the National Health Service in England

This is a recording from the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority's Activity Based Funding Conference 2022, which was held virtually from 5 to 6 May 2022.

About this session

A description of the move away from payment by activity to a blended payment model of fixed and variable payments to reflect the policy objective to support NHS organisations to collaborate and integrate services.


• Mr Martin Campbell, Deputy Director, Payment Development, National Health Service, England

Mr Martin Campbell has held a number of senior finance roles in the National Health Service (NHS) England and Department of Health.

After starting out as an analyst, Mr Campbell led the Department of Health team that coordinated the Spending Review bids for the NHS adult social care. He was also responsible for reviewing the primary care trust allocation formula, including the Market Forces Factor.

For the last few years, Mr Campbell has worked on the National Tariff. First, as Head of the Payment by Results Development team in the Department for Health, responsible for the design of the tariff including the introduction of the Best Practice Tariff, then as Head of Pricing in the NHS England, leading its National Tariff responsibilities and working alongside NHS Improvement.

Note: On Friday 12 August 2022, the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) commenced a formal transition as its functions were expanded to include the provision of costing and pricing advice on aged care services and the agency renamed to the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA).


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