BiB Day! Old Grand Dad Bonded Review

Описание к видео BiB Day! Old Grand Dad Bonded Review

#whiskeytube #bourbon #whiskytube

The story that started my whiskey adventure!

Whizzky App

To learn more about Brian and KIllco:
  / killco77  
  / killco77143  
  / killco7  
  / mr.k77143  

To learn more about how women are changing the whiskey world to this day:

Special thanks to The Whiskey Vault and The Whiskey Tribe
   / whiskeyvault  
   / whiskeytribe  

Some other great actual whiskey review and spirits channels to check out:

   / ralfystuff  
   / itsbourbonnight  
   / aqvavitae  
   / scotchtestdummies  
   / caskstrength  
   / erikwait  
   / @whiskeycrusaders  
   / @stillit  

Whiskey Experts

Richard Paterson
   • How to Taste Whisky  
Charlie MacLean
   • HD How to Drink Whisky with Charles M...  


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