LIVE! - Shiny Kakuna after 4326 RE's in Crystal!

Описание к видео LIVE! - Shiny Kakuna after 4326 RE's in Crystal!

☆ Caught on 08/22/2018 ☆

Hey everyone, I'm back!!

Finally, after 29,151 Pokemon seen through full odds hunting, I've FINALLY found a shiny! I started this hunt on the 8th of July (I think) and did 2,976 encounters looking for Venonat. I decided I would pick up the hunt for my blue-eyed bug. I did some RE's for several hours tonight and at 4:00 AM, a Metapod showed up and Venonat could no longer show up. I wanted to continue with Electrode and I figured I might as well continue duel hunting. Fortunately, I actually did find a green Kakuna :) This is great, especially just because I watched the episode from the show recently staring Kakuna and Beedrills. I really love Beedrill as a Pokemon, and I really love shiny Beedrill. It's different in Gen 2 but it's still an awesome shiny!!

Oh, and sorry for the camera not being focused at times. I got it recently and have spent more time hunting than I have spent trying to figure out how to use it lol

Thanks for watching :)
Expect a shiny Electrode next, or maybe even Venonat :o


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