How Capybaras Kiss

Описание к видео How Capybaras Kiss

Donut is number 1 in the Biopark hierarchy and all the females want to be with him. He has great charisma. Hinase is number 2 in the Bio Park hierarchy, and for many years she was the leader of the herd. When Hinase was younger she disapproved of the neutered males mating with the females in the herd because they were too closely related. But now Hinase is getting very old and she seems to find Donut very attractive. Perhaps she realises time is running out. All her children have been taken away from her. She doesn't know it but they have all passed away which is heartbreaking. Io kisses his mother Donguri. Kona kisses his son Sasuke, he so wants to be with his babies. Donguri visits Toku, despite her age Donguri is the most attractive female capybara in the herd. Ryosuke nuzzles Milk and Aoba. Kikyo is very affectionate to Donut.

My books will be a joy for anyone who loves capybaras and wants to learn more about them:

"My Life with Capybaras. What Capybaras Have Taught Me", is an e-book and has been published as 3 separate paperbacks and 3 separate e-books.

Paperback: Book 1: "I Fell in Love With A Capybara".

The story of the capybaras who changed my life, including Romeo and Tuff'n. Capybaras are such interesting and emotional animals and they lead such rich, interesting and often very emotional lives. Romeo and Tuff'n became family to me. I became part of their herd. I loved them more than anyone except my husband. Romeo and Tuff'n lived as members of their family, sleeping in the family bed and joining in family activities. Capybaras are exceptionally emotional and none more so than Romeo. If anyone was ill or injured, Romeo would spend the day beside them on the bed being very affectionate and making us feel better. Pet capybaras learn many English words and phrases.

These are by far the most comprehensive books about capybaras. With a huge number of photos and links to my videos of the capybaras and their behaviours, mentioned in the books. My knowledge comes from over 12 years spent in the company of capybaras (spending all day, every day for 6 – 8 months a year), observing capybaras intently and learning about them. I write about Capybaras I know: Pet Capybaras, Capybaras Rescued As Pups in South America, The Fascinating Lives and Relationships of Capybaras in A Herd. The Many Fascinating Things I Have Discovered about Capybaras

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