Super Street Fighter II: Turbo - Guile Move List

Описание к видео Super Street Fighter II: Turbo - Guile Move List

Guile move list showcase breakdown featuring a complete moveset guide for the Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo character. ▽MOVES LEGEND BELOW!!!▽

*The song running in the background of this movelist is the original Guile theme from SSF2T.

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/ - or

\ - separates a move from another

_ - points a move follow-up

(↑) - while jumping

(↓) - while crouching

[↑] - while jumping straight up

[↖ or ↗] - while jumping diagonally


1. Movement Directions

↖ - upback
(Jumping Back)

↑ - up
(Jumping Upwards)

↗ - upforward
(Jumping Forward)

← - back
(Walking Back)

n - neutral

→ - forward
(Walking Forward)

↙ - downback
(Crouching Back*)

↓ - down

↘ - downforward
(Crouching Forward*)

- there is no particular animation.

2. Attacks

LP - (Light Punch) * also named (Weak Punch)
MP - (Medium Punch) * also named (Strong Punch)
HP - (Heavy Punch) * also named (Fierce Punch)
LK - (Light Kick) * also named (Short Kick)
MK - (Medium Kick) * also named (Forward Kick)
HK - (Heavy Kick) * also named (Roundhouse Kick)

P - Any Punch Button
K - Any Kick Button
PP - Any two Punch Buttons (pressed at the same time)
KK - Any two Kick Buttons (pressed at the same time)
PPP - All Punch Buttons (pressed at the same time)
KKK - All Kick Buttons (pressed at the same time)

3. Motions

READ: Charge Special Moves are done by Holding ← or ↙ for two seconds, release it and then quickly press the input for the attack. Example - Sonic Boom: Hold ← then press → + P.

READ: For Special Moves to work you must do the motion first then press the last movement direction plus the attack button at the same time. Example - Hadouken: do this first (↓ ↘) then press at the same time → + P. The same goes for all Special Moves and Super Moves.

4. Super Moves Motions

Charge Supers are similar to normal Charge Special Moves. Hold ← or ↙ for two seconds, release it and then quickly press the input for the attack. Example - Double Somersault Kick: Hold ↙ for two seconds, release it and quickly press → ↘ ↓ ↙ ← ↗ + K.

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This #Guile #Movelist video exhibition tutorial serves as an educational character guide that teaches a full move set and how to play #SuperStreetFighterIITurbo.
Street Fighter is owned by Capcom Co., Ltd, all rights reserved.


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