Motocaddy M7 GPS remote and S5 GPS | Complete guide 2023

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Motocaddy M7 GPS remote and S5 GPS | Complete guide 2023

We all know that using an electric trolley can be beneficial to our games. On the course, you’ll feel less tired, which can help you play better golf.

If you’re looking for a new electric trolley that comes packed with features, a Motocaddy could be the option for you. Here, our Gear Editor James Tait takes the Motocaddy M7 GPS Remote and the Motocaddy S5 GPS for a test, to see how they are similar and how they are different.

If you want to know which one of these trolleys you should be looking to purchase, we go through all the benefits you could see from using them.

James Tait, our Gear Editor, took the 2023 M7 GPS Remote and S5 GPS for a test drive at The Duke’s Course in St Andrews.

0:00 Similarities
3:24 Differences
6:20 Assembling S5 GPS
8:44 Assembling M7 GPS Remote
11:39 Final Thoughts

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Video shot on location at The Duke’s Course, St Andrews, Scotland The Duke's Course | Old Course Hotel, Golf Resort & Spa | St Andrews (


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