உடல் எடை குறைப்பதற்கான "Bariatric Surgery" - Dr. Deepak Subramanian | MGM Healthcare

Описание к видео உடல் எடை குறைப்பதற்கான "Bariatric Surgery" - Dr. Deepak Subramanian | MGM Healthcare

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In this informative video, Dr. Deepak Subramanian, a distinguished Senior Consultant and Gastro Surgeon at MGM Healthcare, provides comprehensive insights into the causes, health implications, and interventions for obesity. With expertise in the field, Dr. Subramanian elucidates the significance of Bariatric Surgery by elucidating its necessity, procedural intricacies, and subsequent outcomes.

Furthermore, as an experienced Gastro Surgeon, Dr. Deepak Subramanian extends his professional perspective on various factors contributing to intestinal cancers and hernia treatments, with particular emphasis on the unique considerations and methodologies for pregnant women. His expertise and knowledge in these areas enrich the discourse, offering valuable information and potential approaches to address these medical conditions.

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