Gói - Saivo

Описание к видео Gói - Saivo

Saivo is a concept in the mythology of the Sámi folk. The song describes the spiritual journey of a shaman through Saivo. She wears the guise of a blindworm to carry her to the depths, attempting to unravel true knowledge. On her way she meets spirits and visages, the folk of the underworld, and travels the esoteric landscape of the upside-down world. The clouds swirl beneath and the tree roots sprout atop the surface.


Lyrics in Finnish:

Verev väki orottaa

Saivos pilivep pinnan alla
Puuj juurep pinnam päällä
Valo kiärtää vastapäivää

Koreeta maan alaaset
Vereviä verev väki

Tiatua ettii tiaron havaattoo
Tiato vastahan ajalehtaa
Tiaron hairaa

Kumu kuttuu
Puuj juurille, pinnam päälle


Saivo has been described as a pool of water - a lake or a pond, or something of the like - which has a clear and calm surface. It was believed there existed another realm upside down within the watery depths, where all manners of deities and spirits of the dead resided. Shamans sometimes made spiritual journeys, using these lakes as pathways to the underworld. Their aim, for example, was to find an answer to a certain question, or maybe seek help for curing someone's illness. The journey was taken in the form of an animal, usually a fish or a snake. Once shaman passed through, they could encounter folk of the underworld, the Saivo people.

There is a fabled spring of water in Southern Ostrobothnia that acted as a source of inspiration for us. It's called Levänluhta. According to the latest theory, Levänluhta has been a freshwater pond or a small lake during the Iron Age. At least a hundred people - mostly women and children - were buried into the depths of Levänluhta during Iron Age, with the practice continuing for at least 400 years. It is a unique discovery since nothing of its kind has been found anywhere else (except for Vöyri, another location in Southern Ostrobothnia).

According to DNA findings, the genetic heritage of Levänluhta is reminiscent of today's Sámi. There is also strong evidence that they once inhabited a much larger area, stretching as far as southern Finland. We can speculate, whether or not the sacred pond of Leväluhta was something more than a mere burial ground...?


Gói is a music project by Rauni Rannanjärvi, Iida Mäkelä & Samuli Ylinen from South Ostrobothnia, Finland. They create music with an ancient touch and enliven the image of Western Finnish history by telling stories and using the South Ostrobothnian dialect. This music aims to create authentic and intensive soundscapes.

► Composition, instruments and vocals: Rauni Rannanjärvi & Iida Mäkelä
► Lyrics: Taina Hautamäki
► Mixing & mastering: Samuli Ylinen
Check out his Youtube Channel:    / @samuliylinen3563  

► Instagram: @goibandofficial
► Facebook:   / goibandofficial  
► Bandcamp: https://gimusic3.bandcamp.com/


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