TWISTER Clone 2 blade mudskipper' prop MOD' after install

Описание к видео TWISTER Clone 2 blade mudskipper' prop MOD' after install

2 BLADE' longtail prop, SURFACE DRIVE PROP, Regular 7" tapp'd w/ m16x2.0 tap, for main prop threads, and M8 set screw, add 2x 16mm machine washers (make sure they dont hit bearing housing on outside) 2x is perfect for regular props, 1x for hispeed props. this is a AMAZON VERSION OF A A surface drive setup , aka short-longtail aka "twister" setup.

I would recomend getting the correct adapter if your not handy w/ tools, and or if you have a actual twister, sold by mud-skipper, ask them what they recommend.

I have played around with props before on many other boat engines, so it wasnt newto me too modify, adapt a prop.
2 blades Usually better for speed, getting boat on plain, and near surface, depending design.
3 blades work better too keep enign in a good RPM, and also have a bit more trq', but dont like speed.. depending of there pitch, design etc. For a stock motr and larger boat, extra weight in boat, the 3 blade mite work better atleast in deep water. But i found sizes between 6.5"-7", and various styles like hi-speed, hi-power, work better for certain power levels, weight, boat size etc.
Its a bit of tinkering but fun.
I recommend starting with a regualr 6.5" & 7" prop, Then trying the hi-speed #0 & #1, also the hi-power 6.5", also are others too consider.
PS- I added a nut on back as you can se, but found out later its not needed since the set screw holds it in place. And you do not need too make the prop very tight, Just thread it on till it stops, then tighten set screw snug, I drilled set screw threw keyway side of prop. You could run 2x 6mm set screws, too keep prop perfectly sqaure on shaft. BUT i dont think its needed. Lill' grease on threads is nice, if your changing them while out on water.. And loctite on set screw..
more mods and info too come..


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