Let's Play Hi-Fi RUSH - Track 4-2: Inazawa Chainsaw

Описание к видео Let's Play Hi-Fi RUSH - Track 4-2: Inazawa Chainsaw

Website: https://arclightborealis.net/
SomethingAwful Thread: https://forums.somethingawful.com/sho...

Track 4 ends on a bombastic note, as we push Zanzo into draining the rest of his budget so that we are denied a proper boss fight (a running joke, as you'll find), but at least we get an on foot escape sequence accompanied by Number Girl. That said, this escape sequence does highlight the one exception to Hi-Fi's otherwise consistent checkpointing for ranked fights that I brought up a couple videos back. All I can say is it's a good thing I'm on PC where multiple save back ups on the system level are possible. Seriously, games, stop taking away the ability to copy and delete saves in game, what the hell?


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