Installation of MSD Data Analysis Software and NIST Library

Описание к видео Installation of MSD Data Analysis Software and NIST Library

MSD - Mass Selective Detector
MassHunter MSC - Molecular Structure Correlator, a tool for correlating
accurate mass MS/MS fragment ions for a compound of interest with one or
more proposed molecular structures.

Target List Optimizer- a tool for the MassHunter Acquisition for TOF and Q-TOF software that creates a schedule of desired MS/MS targets.

MassHunter LC/SQ ChemStation Integration Software rev. B.04.00 – a set of programs that translate ChemStation data files to MassHunter format and optionally run MassHunter programs as part of a ChemStation sequence.

Biotransformation Mass Defects Utility – a program that from a parent compound formula will create a list of possible biotransformation compounds with their formula, mass, mass defect and range.


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