Jesus Christ about what to preach to people.

Описание к видео Jesus Christ about what to preach to people.

I had a couple of dreams. In the first dream I was walking and I saw an old couple. They were dressed very nicely, the guy had a suit, a nice tie. Old lady had her 'Sunday' dress. I could tell it was Sunday they were going to church. So I walk up to them on the road right next to them and I just start walking with them. And they said hello to me and I said hello back. They asked me if I believed in Jesus Christ, I said did. They asked me if I accepted Him as Lord and Savior, I said I did. And they asked me if I believed in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I said I did. And then I started asking them something. Here's what I said. I told them, “I had the Holy Spirit in my heart when I was eighteen and I did this.” (Bowing down facedown.) And I look up at them from the ground, I look up at their faces. I believe I was looking, I believe I was looking up towards the right actually. So I'm looking up at them while on the ground I said, “I did this for about five hours a day for about thirty three days before Jesus Christ showed Himself to me from heaven and came into to fill me through the Holy Spirit in my heart. How many days did you bow down asking Jesus Christ to come show Himself to you and enter your flesh to be one with Him?” And they looked at me and went like this and gnashed their teeth at me like a dog, right? They were angry with me because they were convicted that they hadn't done any of that. They never humbled themselves at the sight of the Lord. There was no shameless persistence. Listen guys you believe in Jesus Christ in your heart, that's the Holy Spirit, that's the gift from the Father. You didn't have to work for that. But Jesus said, “Work hard to enter the kingdom because many will try and fail.” I can tell you that my spirit is in heaven, that Jesus pulled it into a secret place. But you can't tell what I'm feeling. How can you look at another person and say, “I know what he's feeling is real.” I can tell you that, you know, I can tell you that my mind feels like it's in heaven right now. Like I feel heavenly bliss upon me, but it's hard for you to believe it. You know you see me, I see you, even if Jesus came here, even if angels came here, you wouldn't be able to see anything visually. The Pharisees couldn't tell that Jesus had anything different than the rest. In fact they accused Him of doing all the miracles through the power of Satan. So I had another dream again, I was walking down Hollywood or Sunset Blvd in L.A. where I used to live for years and I came across this Christian kid. Young guy, he had a cross, smiling, you know. And I asked hi, “Hey can I ask you a question brother?” He goes, “Sure.” I said, “Do you believe in Jesus Christ?” He goes, “Yeah I do.” I said, “Do you believe that He's your Savior and that He died for your sins and rose from the dead and ascended to heaven?” He said, “Yeah I do.” I said, “Do you believe in the Father of Jesus Christ?” He says, “Yes, I do.” I said, “Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the Father and Jesus Christ. And that all three dwell in Jesus in bodily form?” And he agreed, he said, “Yes, I do” Then I asked him, I looked at him very intently like this, in the dream. I said, “Are you in heaven now?” And he goes like this (confused face), “What?” I go, “Are you in heaven now?” And he goes, “What are you talking about?” I said, “Didn't Jesus say seek the kingdom of heaven and in the Lord's prayer, Father let your kingdom come? Well has His kingdom come?” And he looked at me bewildered. And I looked at him and said, “You're supposed to ask that prayer and not stop asking Him until it comes.” And I just walked away from him. I've had many dreams like this, this is only just a couple of examples. Father let Your Kingdom come. Let Your Kingdom come. Kingdom of heaven. What did Jesus say? My Father and I will come and make our home, their home is heaven, with you. You're not going to die and go to heaven. Uh-Uh. He's coming here to give it to you. If you don't attain the kingdom of heaven here, you're not going to inherit it over there. My friends, He's not going to give the kingdom of heaven until you do everything that He said. Hate your life. Do not love the world or anything in the world. Come to me with all your heart, all your mind which is all your thoughts. Set your mind on the things above. Set all your hope in the glory which you will receive at the coming of Jesus Christ When we see Him we will be made Him and all who have this hope in Him purify themselves. 1 John 3. When the Chief Shepherd appears then you will receive the crown of life that will never fade away. What does it mean, “When the Chief Shepherd appears?” He's not going to appear anywhere in heaven. If you were to die and go to heaven and then receive this, Peter would say, “When you die then you'll go to heaven and you appear there.”


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