Hojjat's conviction in the first court and his escape because of the deserting soldier

Описание к видео Hojjat's conviction in the first court and his escape because of the deserting soldier

Hello, please stay with us until the end of the video.
Hojjat's attempt to return her house money was sued through the law and she was convicted in the first court hearing.
After being sentenced, Hojjat attacked Nemat in a strange way and threatened her.
We need time to succeed in this case and Hojjat is still fighting to get her money back
These days, Nemat spent a lot of time in hiring young and talented workers after starting to build houses
We are still waiting for the final decision of the court and Deora's family will legally sue Hojjat. Thank you for choosing to watch our videos.


#giving birth #puppy #Dog giving birth #Dog

#NatureConnection #HandmadeBread

#Flavorful Cheeses #LocallySourced

#GastronomicAdventure #SimplePleasures

#NomadicLifestyle #SharedMeal

#UnforgettableExperience #IranianNomads

#MountainRetreat #TraditionalFood #RusticSpread

#SereneAmbiance #Storytelling


rice#twin #Nemat #fatima #soraya #jeni #Hoosin #NomadicLife #Familyties #nomadicreunion #IntenseDrama #peren #taraz #doora #chendar #farewell #oghab #Dria #chaver #deoora #plerd #MountainHome #nomadic #deora #ROD #perk #daral #chavil #homeless #homelessness #displaced #nomadicromance #nomads #grandma #tragicincident #deoora-Ly7hs #Nemat #fatima #jeni #soraya#Hoosin #deoora-Ly7hs #fertility #Baby #River #becoming #father #twins#tow woman #peren #fishing


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