Evolution of spas-12

Описание к видео Evolution of spas-12

I don’t why bocw soas-12 were automatic, and it called gallo sa12. I included bo4, because it was similar to spas-12 and it was reimagined in the future version. Even it called rampage. Mw2 spas-12 reload animation, As m4sked said: Player can reload onto his palm. Even mw3 tho. They don’t use latch button at all. In black ops 4. If you use other attachment, player will hit the latch button. Especially, In black ops 1. Bo1 spas-12 were completely normal, and fine, it’s so much satisfying on it. My rate satisfaction on bo1 is 10 out of 10. Well It came back in black ops 2 series, which it’s only available in campaign mode, sadly. Of course. Black ops cold war gallo sa12 doesn’t use the trigger button, even if it’s empty and reload few shells on it, still not doing it, so the trigger button was really useless. In infinite warfare spas-12, however it has still same reload in mw2 2009, which there’s something neat details on it. I saw the when player pull the trigger, it also moves the ejection port. It’s extremely satisfying in mw2cr 2020. With that means, mw2cr beats bocw, because the reload animation evolved a lot, and it was still using the trigger button, and when player done shooting and it’s empty now, the ejection port will open and the one shell is out, and after that, player will gonna put 1 shell to the ejection port, and player makes spas-12 upside down, and they reload like that, so much satisfying. My satisfaction rate is 30 out of 20 in mw2cr.
Satisfaction level:
Number 1 is mw2cr
Number 2 is black ops 1
Number 3 is black ops 4 (rampage)
Number 4 is black ops 2


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