Maltese Potty Training. Housebreaking your Maltese. Maltese Potty Training Tips

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Free Maltese Potty Training - . Maltese is a lovable breed which can be potty trained perfectly if one follows a specific schedule. Praise should also be heaped on him generously. One should use words like 'good' to acknowledge his good deeds.

Maltese Potty Training. Housebreaking your Maltese. Maltese Potty Training Tips

A trained puppy makes for a very happy home, and less puppies in the shelters!

Only 3 things can help you with housebreaking your Dog or Puppy - Patience, Consistency and the right guidance on Housetraining.

You really should begin housebreaking as soon as you bring them home. weather you are potty training an adult Maltese dog or puppy, because once bad habits are allowed they are harder to break.

You will all so need to Decide whether you are going to train your puppy to go indoors, outdoors or a combination of both. Indoors, you can paper train, puppy pad train, or even litter box train.

Maltese Potty Training. Housebreaking your Maltese. Maltese Potty Training Tips. For indoor training, Immediately upon arrival, introduce the special place where you have chosen for your puppy to do his business indoors. A playpen is an excellent resource! Place plentiful scented potty pads for the purpose on the floor. Be sure to place his potty area away from his bed. And also be sure to put the potty where he doesn't have to walk through it constantly.

Young puppies will need to relieve themselves frequently, so if you see your puppy about to squat away from the pad, just say "No" firmly and whisk your pup away to the pad, and say "potty".

Give lots of praise when the task has been completed. Rewards and treats are highly effective. Your puppy wants to please you! So, be sure to let him know when he has! Give your puppy something to look forward to when he does the right thing! Also, many puppy pads are pre-treated with a scent to attract puppy business, these are very helpful..

For outdoor potty training, a ten or twelve week old puppy should be taken outdoors about every hour or two, within a half hour after eating, or drinking water. Tip, pay attention to your pups potty time and or write it down, you will know all most exactly when to take them outside to potty. A feeding schedule is a must, so you can pin point when your puppy will need to go to the bathroom. what goes in like clockwork, comes out like clockwork. Tip, make sure that the water bowl is always full, dehydration can cause health problems for your pal.

You will need to choose an appropriate area outside, as close to home as possible, once you pick the perfect spot, always take your pup to that same spot. Play it safe and Always walk your puppy to this area on a leash. It's important that you take him there first thing, before playtime or the official walk.

Maltese Potty Training takes dedication and patience. A Maltese will try very hard not to have an accident, but if they do, it is imperative not to be harsh with them. They can't hold it. And their feelings get hurt very easily. Accidents are going to happen. So stay calm and don't react to the situation with anger.

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Maltese Potty Training. Housebreaking your Maltese. Maltese Potty Training Tips


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